Sunday, March 8, 2009


Blogger's Block - A period of time during which a blogger is unable or lacks the motivation to add to or update their blog.
Example: "For the last two years, Dave has suffered from blogger's block."

... A victim I am, indeed. Much has changed since the last time I posted on my blog. Assuming that I get a pass on my lack of blogular dedication, let me fill you in on where I am at this point in my twenty-three year journey.
Over the past two years, I chose to, proposed to, and was married to the love of my life, Jennie. There is quite possibly no one else in history who has received a gift that they are so undeserving of, but such is any gift from God, and she is truly that.
Throughout my life I have felt the presence of God in many ways. Marriage has been another beautiful picture of the perfect love, and the perfect plan that only comes from our awesome God. I am so blessed to have my beautiful wife to come home to every night. She is so loving, and so encouraging, I really have no words for how blessed I truly am.
Jen is a teacher at a Christian preschool and is in college full time nearing completion of her degree in elementary education. I envy my wife. My wife is the best at what she does. I realize that some may think that I am partial, but trust me, I would love nothing more than to be better than my wife at just one thing! With all joking aside, Jen was created wonderfully and uniquely for what she does and will do in the future. Children are her passion, and she gives of her every talent and resource to see to it that each child she comes into contact with learns and feels loved. For her, this is a passion that has been burning inside her heart for years, and she has eagerly, and obediently pursued that passion.
As Jen pursues her dream, I am bringing home the bread sticks! For the past year and a half I have worked as a restaurant manager. It has been a remarkable time for me as I have learned so much about running a business, setting and achieving goals, and managing people (aka babysitting). I work for a great company, and I am so grateful for the opportunities that it has provided me, and the invaluable experiences that I have had during my time there.
However, of late I have been wrestling with where God wants me to be, and what He wants me to be doing. This sense of urgency has been born out of some real truths that I have come to know over the past ten or so years of my life.

*This world needs Jesus.
* I have Jesus.
* Life is short.
* The longer I live without using the talents He has given me, completely sold out for him, the more comfortable the status qou becomes.
* In his heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Deep within me, all I desire for is to live a life that is reflective of a servant; all I ask for is His perfect will. Please pray for my wife and I as we have begun this journey together. The only thing this world seems to love more than a good love story, is a good divorce story. Pray for his hand on our marriage and in our lives.

...More to come...


  1. Dave, I tried to comment yesterday, but was having trouble with blogger. Anyway, love the new blog! Welcome back :) Bloggers block happens to the best of us...great post, learned something new about you!

  2. Thanks Steph! I was fearing admonishment from the blog-muntity for my hiatus. Jen and I enjoy your blog, it's the next best thing to having you all here!
